Sunday, September 27, 2009

Week of 10/4, or whenever this one's due

Today I shall write about my Pet Peeves, some of which are annoying me as I write...

First there are doors. Open doors. They annoy the heck out of me. I cannot stand for more than 5 seconds to be in my room doing homework with my door open, even if it's just a crack. Why? I don't know, maybe it's because I have 4 annoying siblings who are constantly interrupting me and my thoughts, etc., and bursting into my room uninvited. Maybe it's because I have OCD, and everything has to be perfectly in order and set. Maybe it's because I need silence to do my work, or because I like to be alone; I do not know. But I do know this: one of my Pet Peeves even worse than just an ordinary open door is when I have the door shut, and someone comes in to get something, then walks out and just leaves the door open. Then, I have to get up off my butt and close the door behind them or it will drive me insane. I can't stand it!

Another one of my Pet Peeves something we call the Crying Child. This may easily be a Pet Peeve of many people, as it is annoying and very interuppting. Actually, I am listening to a little 3-year-old bawl his head off right now. Ugh. So nerve racking. Why can't they just shut their mouths. Is it really nessisary for them to just sit on their fat little baby butts and cry? No! They cry because they don't get what they want, they cry when they wake up, and they cry for no reason to annoy you. I've actually gotten pretty used to hearing my siblings cry, but when other people's babies cry, it makes me just want to get up and stuff their mouth's full of stinky socks or broccoli or something.

Next we have going to bed. Now don't get me wrong, I love to sleep, but I'm just a night owl, and I never seem to be tired...well except in the morning when I didn't get any sleep the night before. Then I have nagging parents: "Go to bed, Alissa!". "Turn your light off!". "Give me that book!". "That's it! I'm unscrewing your light bulb!". Sheesh. I don't see the problem with staying up; if I'm tired in the morning I'm the one who has to suffer, not them. But no, they still nag me all night until I finally go to bed, and just sit there listening to my iPod or something until I fall asleep.

This one is definitely one of the more annoying Pet Peeves of mine; boys who say, "Girls don't need make-up! Take it off! You don't need it!". Ok, first of all, who are they to say that? They're boys, for heavens sake! What do they know? Second, most all boys who say that don't even know what I look like with no make-up on, so how do they know I "look better"? Do they even know what make-up is for? It's not just so you can have fun putting a bunch of crap on your face - it's to enhance your appearence. Plus, I hate to break this to you boys, but almost all girls wear make-up, and almost nothing you say is going to make them not wear it. It's just what girls do. I LOVE make-up. It's fun to put on, fun to buy, fun to try, and fun to share and do with other girls. It's just a fact of life; girls will be girls.

And there you have it- my top four Pet Peeves! 0:) < angel