Sunday, February 28, 2010

My Expectations for Great Expectations

Well, this past couple of weeks I have been furiously reading Great Expectations, in hopes of finishing it in time to write my analysis and turn everything in by March 15. So far I'm a little more than half way into it (I'm a little behind), but so far I think it's a pretty intriguing book. It's not one that I would personally choose, and it's kind of funny, because whenever someone asks me what I'm reading, and I show them the cover they say,"Oh. Assigned reading, right?". I swear, like 4 different people have said that to me! I don't think the book's that bad - I guess people just say that when they see it's written by Charles Dickens. I thought it was pretty funny though. The book's going alright though, and I found a laptop to use at my grandma's house, because my home computer still isn't fixed! ARG! I have a laptop of my own, and I convinced my dad to buy wireless internet so I can do it myself at my house - yay! Hopefully the router will be installed ASAP!

I really can't believe that it's pretty much spring. It finally dawned on me when I stepped outside this morning and felt the bright sun on my skin and the soft, pleasant breeze of spring. I could see some tiny plants beginning to sprout, and I jumped on my trampoline a little bit, truly enjoying myself outside for once. I'm not much of a winter person; in fact, now that I really think about it, I never once played in the snow this winter. No snowmen, no snowball fights, or snowforts - nope, I'm just not a wintery, snowy person. Spring and summer are my favorite times of the year. Although, I do enjoy the snow...up until after about New Years. Then I really get sick of it, and just want it to all melt away. I know this sounds kind of stupid, but another reason I'm excited for spring is NEW CLOTHES! I absolutly love the feeling of new clothes, and I just got this cute spring jacket that my mom said I can't wear until spring, and as we were standing outside in the sun, I convinced her to let me wear the coat this week! I supose that when I'm older I won't live in Utah, because I really do dispize the snow and cold. I hate ice skating, skiing, snowboarding, playing in the snow, or anything like it, so I guess I'd be better of in Flordia or India or some place like that!

Something that has just come to my attension, is how rude people are to me just because I have red hair. I've been called Ginger, Gingy, Devil, Satan's Mistress, and some other things that arn't very appropriate. I do admit that some of the names came from a certain someone who I am kind of evil to...hehe, but I just kind of have that "evil" personality. I like torturing people. Of course, I'm always just kidding, but some people tell me they are afraid of all redheads because of me. Oops!

*Sigh* There is nothing better than going to give a speech or a talk, and totally winging it. That's what I'm going to be doing today at about 6:30. Whoopee. I prepared for it, but I've just been too overwhelmed with homework and crap to get into it. So when I go there I'll pretty much just be reading off my little paper and embarressing myself in front of 50 someodd people. Great.

I think I might be maybe one blog behind, but I'm pretty sure I"m back on track now, after my computer delemma. It doesn't really work out to be doing an internet based class when you have no computer, but I try. :)

Thursday, February 18, 2010


OK, I'm back, ready to finish typing for my blogging assignment. Last time I had the chance to get onto a computer it was at the Layton Library, which I had to quickly wrap up, since my time limit buzzer rang. With no working computer at home, I am eagerly taking every chance I can get to get some computer time to do my assignments.

I must say, this school is pretty strict about being "on task" in the computer lab. I swear, every single time I enter this lab I get caught for doing something that they think is "off task", when in reality I'm getting graphics for a poster project, or (like I'm doing now), trying to finish my Honors English blog. It doesn't help that I have a Ninja turtle background, because that totally makes it seem like I'm on something oppasite of what we're suppost to be doing, but somehow I manage. :) I bet there are like 3 administrators reading this as I type to make sure I truly am "on task".

OMG. I can't believe it. The 5 minute bell for school to get out just rang. To finish up my 500 words, I'll share with you an essay I've been writing about my Grandmother from Puerto Rico.

“I never had a grandmother, and that’s why I wanted to try so hard to be the best grandma there ever was!” my Grandma Ria had once told me in her cute Puerto Rican accent. Her true name was Maria, but since grandma ended with the first part of her name, we’d come up with Grandma Ria when we were very young, and called her that ever since. Born and raised in Cayey, Puerto Rico, my Grandma Ria truly was the best grandma there ever was; she invited us grandkids over to spend weekend nights with her, sure to be fun-filled with all of my grandma’s crazy ideas and stories, and always came to visit us on any opportunity she had. She would take time to caringly ask us about our lives, and recent happenings, laughing at all our jokes, and sharing stories of her own. It was just the way that she showed how much she cared that really touched me, and is probably why I am so attached to my grandma today.
Pouring herbal tea into a delicate porcelain cup, my grandma talked of our plans for the day, and how excited she was that I had the chance to spend the weekend at her house. Her short, curly brown hair bounced as she plopped onto bed, and after searching for the remote, turned on Little House in The Prairie – one of her favorite shows. In the middle of the comfortable bed, my grandma had set a bowl of assorted snacks for us to munch on, and in front of her was an ad for the craft store. My grandma and I loved to go shopping. One of our all-time favorite ways to shop was to track down all the yard sells on Saturday mornings. We especially looked for Antique or Estate yard sales, since we both liked to collect antiques and rare old items.
Around my grandma’s house and on the fridge, were pictures and cultural items from central Puerto Rico, and reminders of her home in the tropics. She had also once lived in Connecticut for a time, until she finally decided to move to Utah, after joining the LDS church. The oldest of her 4 children (and the only one born in Puerto Rico) came with her, and was my dad. My grandma had always dreamed of owning her own home, and being more independent, and her home in Farmington, Utah was just perfect for her. It was close to the Lagoon trail, where she often brought me walking, and we would enjoy the scenery and animals along the path. My grandma had always loved nature – her gardens were always full of abundantly blooming flowers, and she could name every single one.
“Come on!” my Grandma said to me excitedly, after a while of watching the show. “Let’s get out!” Hopping down into her little silver car, we drove to all sorts of fun stores, buying crazy make-up, new gadgets for our hair, presents for friends, and always going out to eat somewhere fun after, usually IHop for the all-you-can-eat pancakes and scrambles eggs with sausage and bacon, me grapefruit juice and my grandma herbal tea. Another one of our favorites stores was Ross, where we would spend hours looking for picture frames, or trying on clothes and shoes.
At home, after once again trying on and experimenting with all of our purchases, we calmed down to another quiet movie with snacks. Sometimes we’d even sit at my grandma’s desk and sew some pajama pants. My grandma was skilled in sewing and caring for others, since she worked at a hospital and her mother had been an excellent mid-wife. One night while talking on the couch, my grandma told me how kind-hearted and compassionate towards others her mother had been – I could tell my grandma had developed those same attributes.
As we laughed the night away talking and barely watching the movie, my grandma and I had a blast together, like we always did. As I gradually fell asleep, I realized how grateful I was for my grandma, and the example she set for me. She had gone through many trials, and her positive attitude was really inspirational to me. She taught me more than she knew, and I hoped to one day be half of what she was.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Ok, so sorry that I've missed a blog or two, but I've been having some serious computer problems at home for the past couple weeks. I am now at the Layton Library furiously typing away to quickly finish this blog before my 12 minute time limit runs out. I origonally had 30 minutes, but you won't believe it! I spent 18 freakin' minutes trying to guess my password! SHEESH! Don't laugh at me - this computer is retarted. I miss my computer at home :(. Anyway, they have some pretty advanced systoms at this library, and it's kind of impressive in a way. (PS, if I don't finish typing all 500 words, I promise I will get them all in at a later date, but I now have only 10 minutes to type). Anyhow, at this library, apparently if you want to get on the computer, you have to ask an employee for a special password slip, sign in at this high tech computer systom, decypher the code it gives to you tell what computer you are suppost to sit at, wait until the timer on high tech computer rings for you to start you time, find your computer, figure out what code on the password slip, and begin your 30 minutes session on a computer slower than a half turtle, half worm. To top it all off, you have to wait forever to get an available computer, and most the people here are messing around on their facebook accounts! It's maddening. GRR!

It is harder than you think to not have a working computer at home for a week or two, let me tell you. But, luckily, I've survived. (now 6 minutes left, and my wrist is killing me from all this fast typing!). I feel so dumb having to come to this library to do my homework, and having to type like a madman just to get it half done during the 30 minute time limit they give you. In reality, it's really only like 10 minutes, since you have spend so much time waiting for it to load the page! And THEN, I had to spend about 10 minutes guessing my own stupid passwords to not only my email, but my disscussion board account, and blogger account! Now with only 4 minutes left to type, I seriously hope that I have gotten in my 500 words, because my wrist is killing me! Then, to take up even more time, this stupid message keeps appearing on the screen saying, "SORRY. YOUR SESSION WILL END IN 3 MINUTES. PREPARE TO FINISH. Good idea. Sorry, I'll write more later, I promise!