Sunday, January 31, 2010

Wasting Lives

I think that we teenagers now-a-days are real life-wasters. I mean, seriously? T.V., texting, FaceBook, and videogames? Big whoop. The pioneers walked several miles each day in covered wagons, starved, froze, and did everything by hand, while suffering discrimination and persecution. We have it easy, and boy are we whiners! "Dad, I need more than just 500 texts a month!". "Mom, I don't want to make my bed! It's my favorite T.V. show!". We are a bunch of wussies. We drive everywhere we go, not walk, we can call people by phone, not pony express, and when we want food we just have to call the Pizza place, not go hunting, and prepare and cook it ourselves! What lazies! Statistics say that the average American spends 4 hours of T.V. watching A DAY! Holy cow! Also, if you do 5000 or more texts a month, you spend up to 8 hours a week texting. What a waste! I personally think texting is stupid, thus why I told my mom and dad I didn't need a phone and they could keep their money and spend it on things more worth while. I mean, really? "Hi." 5 minutes later. "Hey, what's up?". 4 minutes later. "NM. u?". 6 minutes later. "Gtg. TTFN.". We have boring lives. But what really bugs me is when people flirt and send love texts. What ever happened to Romeo and Juliet, or even love letters, or talking in person? Texting is lame, lame and lame! And I haven't even gotten started on FaceBook. Of course, I, like many others, am guilty of owning a FaceBook account. Now, FaceBook isn't entirely bad; I can see why people get it to reunite with old friends, etc., etc., but when people spend 5+ hours a day looking at other people's photos and commenting on friends status' and taking quizzes and playing weird farm games, it's just stupid.

Also, I hate to admit it, but our school is a little too...lets just say some of the people working there have too much time on their hands. I mean, seriously? You get in trouble for wearing gloves in the morning 5 minutes after you get off the bus, you get yelled at for wearing shorts (not even kidding) 1/8 of an inch too short, and for carrying a bag! And, how could I forget? You're suddenly not allowed to have food from outside (wendy's, arby's) in the lunch room. So what if you can't make a home lunch so you go shopping? They really told me and my friend we couldn't eat subway in their lunchroom, and kicked us out. Plus, their food sucks, so they can't really boss us around. My mom told me that in her day they lunch people made their lunches by hand, and the only things you really got in trouble for were fighting, cussing, and skipping. Is it really nessisary to have a rule against having "outside food", or having a piece of hair a different color than your natural? Do we really need to get sent to ISS for happening to be tardy during a hall sweep? No way. What I'm getting at is, we teenagers waste our lives, but adults are helping. They treat us like they can't trust us with a dang thing, and never give us a chance.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Yes, I hate to admit it, but I'm about as OCD as they come. Yes, I organize my books in alphabetical order, yes, my sheets and pillow case have to match, and yes, I always turn in my homework on time. No matter what.

Now, it was just these past few years that I realized just how O.C.D. I really am. I mean, when you can't leave the house to go to a party without checking the stove, all the straight irons, turning off all the lights, and saying a prayer to protect the house while you're gone, you know that you're O.C.D. It's a weird feeling, let me tell you. And sharing a room with a messy, cheerleader sister doesn't help anything. As soon as she comes home, onto the floor goes her clothes, cheer bag, shoes, garbage, homework - all in one big sloppy pile that will most likly remain at that post for the next week or two, until I force her to remove it or else. And I when I say "or else", she knows I mean "Do it now or I will personally make sure you never see anything in that pile ever again."

And about school - I have never had a missing assignment in all of my school days. In fact, "missing assignment" isn't even in my vocabulary. These are the facts: Most kids can come home and put off their homework until the last possible second, while I come home and refuse to even eat until everything has been properly completed. I have my own personal organizer to plan out my days, weeks, months and years. I write down all my schedules, appointments, homework, everything. I don't miss a single thing. And I know this sounds super weird, but one of my favorite stores is actually Office Max, or Wal-Mart. I just LOVE to shop for organization items, and look at all there is to look at. I love walking through isles of blank notebooks and different kinds of pens. I enjoy that kind of creativity stuff. I love marking books and tabbing them, etc. It's kind part of the O.C.D. kind of person I am. I could spend 1000's of dollars shopping at Office Depot instead of Aeropostle and whatever anyday! I love notebooks and writing things down and planning. Thus another reason why Franklin Covey is another one of my favorite stores. They sale all sorts of planners and journals. Barnes and Noble is also a store I could spend a day at. I love the little creative books, or sometimes just going through the isles looking at novels or journals. I'm not sure if this is caused by my O.C.D.ness, but it kind of all fits together in my life. :p I think I get it from my dad - he's the same way. He plans stuff out and love to shop for books and journals and things like that. My mom, not-so-much.

Is anyone else out there as O.C.D. as I am? Probably. But when I really think about it, they gave it the right name; disorder, and disorders are technically bad. I actually sometimes like it. It helps me keep my life in check and be organized! :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Well, today I decided to write about my future...what kind of stuff I want to accomplish, and things like that.

The next year: In the next year I want to graduate from Fairfield Jr. High School with a 4.0, as well as start high school at Layton High, keeping up with the same type of grades. I also want to travel to Connecticut this summer and go to court with my uncle (who is an attorney), since I want to be an attorney when I'm older. I also want to re-read the Book of Mormon and in the summer, recieve my Young Woman's Personal Progress medallion. In irish dance, I want to move up to the Preliminary level in all of my dances, if possible.

The next 5 years: In the next five years I want to be graduated from high school and going to college at BYU, studying law and english and dance. I want to have my driver's licence (since I'm TERRIFIED to drive), and be preparing to go on a LDS mission when I'm 21. I want to have saved up money so that I will be able to be ready to move on in my life in the near years.

So, ya. I know that's kinda vauge, but I'm sort of having a dead moment right now, where I can't really do any deep thinking. It sucks.

This summer, as I mensioned earlier, I am dying to go to Connecticut A) because I want to visit my 3 uncles and 2 cousins B) I want to go to court with my uncle so I can see if I really do want to become an attorney and C) To chill in a more humid climate and spend some time at the beach doing what ever I want to! Ha ha. Sounds good to me.

As for my LDS mission, I am so excited - I think it'd be so awesome, and such an amazing experience to go out into the world and teach people the gospel! I wouldn't care where in the world I was called...hopefully China! Maybe by then missionaries will be able to go there - the only down side is manderin sounds like a tough language to learn.

This summer, as I said, I want to earn my Young Woman's medallion. In the church, there's Young Woman's personal progress booklets, and the medallion is BEAUTIFUL! I would be so proud to be able to wear that around my neck and represent that I have conpleted personal progress!

In irish dance, Preliminary is the level before you are a champion. I love irish dance with all my heart, and it just sets me free! What really bugs me is when people make fun of it and try to imitate it by skipping around like an idiot moron, when really, irish dance is so much harder and more beautiful than that.

But...this weekend is my 15th brithday! I am way excited, except for the fact that everyone is going to be pressuring me to get my driving permit, which I refuse to do. I have 2 parents and an older sister to drive me around, so I think I am just fine!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


My Christmas Vacation was quite fantastic. I did a bit of my homework each day so that I wasn't all stressed out the last week, and had a great time relaxing with my family over the holidays.

For starters, I got the mini laptop that I wanted. I love it to bits. It has a deep red top, with all the latest softwares and technology. I absolutly adore working on it everyday. I also got a matching red wireless mouse to go along with it. I love them both.

Second, I finished reading all of my honors English books, which I mostly enjoyed. I really liked Pride and Prejudece, because it was a love story, and I of course worship love stories and chick flicks. <3>not read this book, or any others by Bradbury, because they're all the same; creepy, disturbing, confusing, and a little on the boring side. Look on my Shelfari for the complete reviews.

Also, I finished reading THE BOOK OF MORMON. It was great! So inspiring and I totally loved every minute of it. It took me four monthes to finish it, but it was all worth it! When I'm 21, I'm planning on going on a misson for The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It sounds like such a great adventure, and great to be sharing the true gospel to people around the world.

Another exciting event that took place during the vaca., was unburying a year-old time capsol my cousin and I buried last New Years Day on the side of a wheat/pumpkin field. Of course, we were stupid enough to bury it in a cardboard box, so the note that we wrote to ourselves was wet, withered, and unopenable. I was bummed. But at least our pieces of hair and the Dove wrapper and braclet were still intact, so, it wasn't a total loss. We're planning on making another capsol soon. They're a great bunch of fun to make, bury, and most of all, find.

Well, I must say that I'm writing about dozens of random subjects on this post, but I really do love to ride school buses. Trust me. They're one of the funnest things you will ever experience, well at least if you rode my school bus. It's bus #98, and it's filled with drama, weirdos that make everyone laugh, fighting and beating each other up, pranks, fire alarms going off for reasons far from even being related to fire, and laughing and yelling beyond being able to control. I love it. My friends and I laugh and pull pranks on people the whole ride there and home, and we laugh more than I laugh everywhere else put together. :)