Sunday, January 31, 2010

Wasting Lives

I think that we teenagers now-a-days are real life-wasters. I mean, seriously? T.V., texting, FaceBook, and videogames? Big whoop. The pioneers walked several miles each day in covered wagons, starved, froze, and did everything by hand, while suffering discrimination and persecution. We have it easy, and boy are we whiners! "Dad, I need more than just 500 texts a month!". "Mom, I don't want to make my bed! It's my favorite T.V. show!". We are a bunch of wussies. We drive everywhere we go, not walk, we can call people by phone, not pony express, and when we want food we just have to call the Pizza place, not go hunting, and prepare and cook it ourselves! What lazies! Statistics say that the average American spends 4 hours of T.V. watching A DAY! Holy cow! Also, if you do 5000 or more texts a month, you spend up to 8 hours a week texting. What a waste! I personally think texting is stupid, thus why I told my mom and dad I didn't need a phone and they could keep their money and spend it on things more worth while. I mean, really? "Hi." 5 minutes later. "Hey, what's up?". 4 minutes later. "NM. u?". 6 minutes later. "Gtg. TTFN.". We have boring lives. But what really bugs me is when people flirt and send love texts. What ever happened to Romeo and Juliet, or even love letters, or talking in person? Texting is lame, lame and lame! And I haven't even gotten started on FaceBook. Of course, I, like many others, am guilty of owning a FaceBook account. Now, FaceBook isn't entirely bad; I can see why people get it to reunite with old friends, etc., etc., but when people spend 5+ hours a day looking at other people's photos and commenting on friends status' and taking quizzes and playing weird farm games, it's just stupid.

Also, I hate to admit it, but our school is a little too...lets just say some of the people working there have too much time on their hands. I mean, seriously? You get in trouble for wearing gloves in the morning 5 minutes after you get off the bus, you get yelled at for wearing shorts (not even kidding) 1/8 of an inch too short, and for carrying a bag! And, how could I forget? You're suddenly not allowed to have food from outside (wendy's, arby's) in the lunch room. So what if you can't make a home lunch so you go shopping? They really told me and my friend we couldn't eat subway in their lunchroom, and kicked us out. Plus, their food sucks, so they can't really boss us around. My mom told me that in her day they lunch people made their lunches by hand, and the only things you really got in trouble for were fighting, cussing, and skipping. Is it really nessisary to have a rule against having "outside food", or having a piece of hair a different color than your natural? Do we really need to get sent to ISS for happening to be tardy during a hall sweep? No way. What I'm getting at is, we teenagers waste our lives, but adults are helping. They treat us like they can't trust us with a dang thing, and never give us a chance.