Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I'm just going to tell you right off the bat how I feel about writing: I love to write. Love it. I love to write when ever I can, where ever, whatever, however, and ya. I just love it. I really do.

I know a ton of people's Moms that force them to write in journals so that they will be able to remember the things that happened to them, or whatever. They go out and buy them a journal and a pen, put it in front of them. and make them write every week or whatever, just because they want them to. That is not the case with me. I have written in a Diary pretty much my whole life. Notice I say Diary and not journal, because journals are more like, "Today I did this. Then I did this. After I did this. The End.". Diaries are more, "Let me tell you how I feel about this and this and this. Oh! And guess what happened to me today! I was so embarressed! Then I got mad because of bla, bla, bla. And yesterday I went to this. It was amazing! Let me describe it to you! I was so facinated!". Ya. Diaries have more feelings, and plus, girls always write in Diaries, just because they are dramatic girls.

Ever since 6th grade I have written more than once almost every week until the Diary was full. Before that I just wrote in little books are whatever. But since 6th grade I have really cracked down in writing in my Diary each week. Not only do I love to write, but I want to have something to look back on about my past and the things that I did in my childhood and stuff. Even now I look back in my 6th grade Diary and laugh at some of the things I wrote and did. I can't even imagine how grateful I'll be when I'm 20, or 30, or 40 or even 70, that I wrote in a Diary every week. I also like to paste things in my Diaries, like pictures or drawings, or little papers and cards I get. They are really fun to look back on.

So far I have filled 41/2 Diaries, not counting the ones before 6th grade. I made a deal with my parents that everytime I filled up a Diary, they had to go buy me a new one. I LOVE picking out Diaries - a new, different one each time. My first Diary was a hardback, spiral bound quilt Diary. My second Diary was a small, leather pink Diary, with a magnetic latch. My third was a hardback, blue and brown swirly Diary. My fourth was a white polk-a-dot Diary with a lock. My Diary right now is a leather Diary with music notes on the front. It is so beautiful, and I love to write in it! So far I've filled exactly 100 pages!

I write all sorts of things in my Diaries, and some are really personal. I love filling them up, picking out new ones, and looking back on them! They are so fun for me, and give me an oppertunity to express myself, and get all my feelings out on paper! I love Diaries, and I love to write!