Sunday, October 11, 2009


For anyone out there who is going to even think about arguing with this, I'm just going to tell you right now that Halloween is one of the best holidays there is. That's right, almost better than Christmas.

Who wouldn't love Halloween? Seriously. It's full of excitment and surprises; you never know what's lying behind the next corner. You never know what's going to jump out at you, or what's going to happen next. Where the maze is going to lead you, or what turn will take you where. I love it. People can be so creative at Halloween time!

So first of all, there's Trick-Or-Treating. Of course that's fun just because you get to be immature, and get tons of candy before the night's through. And costumes are the funnest! I love picking out the coolest/weirdest costume ever! Last year I was a ninja with Sierrah Taylor. We had ninja swords and everything, and even stole someone's pocket knife out of their pocket at my ward Halloween party. Totally ninja, right? Haha.

Then there's the haunted houses. By far the best part of Halloween, along with Frightmares at Lagoon. They have the chainsaw guys, the haunted houses, the weirdos, the decorations, the whole works. There are 4 haunted houses. The first one (and also my personal favorite) is The Funhouse/Clown House. You are forced to wear these 3D glasses. There are strobe lights everywhere, and if you don't stick close to your group you're sure to get left behind with all the creepy clowns waiting in the corners...
The next haunted house was called Deception, full of optical illustions, and scary mazes with strobe lights. Now listen to how mean my friends are: they were too scared to come into Deception, so they made me go in by myself, on crutches! I couldn't beleive it. But at least I had a good time, excluding the part where I got lost in a maze with a chainsaw guy...
The next house was a Haunted High School. I thought this one was pretty fun. It had a bunch of class rooms with creepy teachers trying to make you donate body parts for class experiments. One of my favorite rooms was the lunch room. They had lunch trays with body parts on them and this robot barfing into a garbage can with real green barf! Ew!
The last Haunted House was a haunted junk yard. It's pretty much like the baby haunted house, but the begining was scary because there was this guy in a mask just sitting on the fence. Then, when we got really close he jumped out at us! It was a blast!

So...this Halloween I think it would be totally fun to make my own haunted house in my basement. It sounds so funny. I've already started planning. I want to like stretch a tarp over my stairs and make everyone slide down into my creepy basement. Then they would walk around a little, and finally climb out a window or something. Ha ha. I can't wait.