Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Strangest Secret

Many scientists and researchers around the world disagree on many, many things. However, there is one thing that they all unanamously agree on, and that is The Strangest Secret. The Strangest Secret states that you become what you think about. Let me repeat that, YOU BECOME WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT. How? If you think about failure, you will fail. If you think about succeeding, you will succeed. Al you need to do is set goals and think about your success with these goals. Just like ships, humans need to have goals or destinations in mind. If you send a ship off with a captain and crew to steer the boat, and a sure destination in mind, the ship will likely reach its destination safely and successfully. Likewise, if you send a ship off without a crew, captain, or any destination, it will sink, or end up on some deserted island and rot away. This is the same with humans; we need to have a destination in mind, or else we will end up lost and deserted. But remember, YOU WILL BECOME WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT. Your mind doesn't care what you plant in it - you can plant a seed of failure, or a seed of sucess. No matter what you plant, your mind will grow it and give it back to you. Sucess, failure, or whatever it was that you planted. It even states in the scriptures that a man "shall reapeth what he sows". It's all how you think about things, set goals and work up to them. Think about all the differnt quotes of famous scientists or in the bible that state the same exact thing: YOU BECOME WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT. In the bible it says that whatsoever a man shall believe it shall be brought unto him. Bruce Lee said “As you think, so shall you become.” Jim Rohn said “Success is what you attract by the person you become.” Henri L. Bergson said “Think like a man of action, and act like a man of thought.”. There are so many quotes out there that state what's known as The Strangest Secret, yet hardly anyone knows about it. That's why its strange, and called a secret. I bet that if you walk down your street and ask every person you run into what the secret to sucess is, none of them will be able to tell you, not even if you walked up and down your street for a month. But this secret is a law, similar to the law of gravity. If you jump off of a building, you are always going to go down, never up. Same with this secret. There is no possible way that you can think of only failure and still suceed. There is also no way that you can fail when thinking of only success. And the way to this sure success is through setting goals, and working up to them, while always thinking and picturing yourself only succeeding. It is all so simple. The human mind is like the last unexplored continent of the world. There are so many possibilities, and you are sitting in the drivers seat. Are you just going to fold your arms, and let yourself drive into a ditch, or are you going to grasp the wheel with two hands and drive forward on a sure and straight path towards success? Its your choice. YOU BECOME WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT.

^This is an overview of a CD I listened to called The Strangest Secret. This is just my summary and thoughts about the tape. ^