Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring Break

Man, I have been super busy these past few weeks with school and dance and all sorts of crazy stuff, but I'm finally getting myself caught up on stuff! I worked super hard the last part of third term to keep my 4.0 streak (which I did! yay!), as well as keep up in dance since we have compititions coming up soon! Hopefully in these next few compititions I will be able to move up to a champion level! I'm almost there! But anyway, this week is Spring Break, I wake up ready for tons of fun, and there are piles and piles of snow outside. What the heck!?! This is April for heaven's sake! Ugh! I hate snow so bad. That's mostly the reason that I hate living in Utah - the weather the just spoils everything. And watch, next week when we have to go back ti school its going to be super warm outside. Uh - it makes me so upset! Grr! But Spring Break - I totally can't wait, and here's some of my [evil] plans:

So first of all we are driving up to visit my cousins and grandma in Alpine. Now, my cousin Mariah who is also 15 is very much like me - very mischievious and full of fun and always looking for trouble. We love harassing my grandma's old neighbors or freaking people out up in the mountain paths were they live. Then (the best part of all) I think I've told you that they live in the most giant house you will ever set eyes upon. It really doesn't even look like a house! We like to make fun of the "cleaning people" that come and clean her house and telling them they "missed a spot", or investigate on this creepy mexican dude that roams the halls of there house. We also like to camp out and just talk or tell funny stories and mostly plan pranks and other fun stuff to do. We also enjoy not going to bed, and just roaming the neighborhood and knocking on people's windows or climbing onto their roofs and stomping around, and just being annoying teenagers having a good time. My counsins have this huge ugly, stuffed, real life turkey that they really want to get rid of, but don't know what to do with it. Mariah and I volunteered to be the ones to find a new home for it. This weekend when we drive up there to visit, we're planning on leaving that ugly old turkey on my grandma's neighbor (Rotten Tooth Guy)'s porch, and having someone hide in the bushes with a camera. It'd going to be awesome!!! Tee Hee! We also have a life time supply of Silly String hidden away, so there's many possibilities there, too. We might write creepy messages in the snow with it, or trap some oldy inside their house! We also might hide in the bushes along the mountain path and jump out and spray random people walking calmly by...