Saturday, December 5, 2009


Right now I am actually at my grandmother's house eating brownies and ice cream just like a should be. I love my grandma. She's amazing. Just like the perfect grandma should be. She feeds me cookies, candy, pop corn, goodies, and to top it all off she's an amazing cook. I love spending time with her and sleeping over at her house on weekends. We watch movies together, go shopping, laugh, play games, eat, sleep, clean, have dance parties and do all sorts of great stuff. She's SO funny and cute, and I love going to her house!

Today, she picked me up around 5, and right off the bat we went to the Albertsons with the largest display of oranges in the world. Random, yes, but it was really cool. We had broccoli cheese soup for dinner, and now double chocolate brownies and pinnaple sherbet for dessert. At 9 we're planning to have a movie marathon all night, and attempt to wake-up for church in the morning.

Before dinner we decorated her christmas tree with random bows and bells and pinecones. My grandma also has two cute cats. I LOVE cats. I think they're so cute. Dogs, eh, not so much. Their barking drives me insane, and I've sworn to my legs and face that I will take out any dog that dares jump on me and lick me. Ew. And when they growl it makes me just want to go over there and kick them...anyway! I'm getting off subject! My grandma's 2 cats are adorable. They love playing with yarn and anything you give them, and are really sweet and cuddley...well one of them is anyway. The other hides everytime I set a foot into my grandma's house, and won't come out until at least a day after I'm gone. How rude.

My grandma is from Puerto Rico, and two of her sons (my uncles) live in Connecticut, so sometimes we get to go visit them there and chill at the beaches. This is summer I think just me and my grandma are going to visit, which is sure to be a total blast!!! I absoluty cannot wait!

Every year we always have Easter egg hunts in my grandma's yard, hiding easter eggs and prizes in every inch her her flowerful yard. My grandma really likes to garden and has tons of different species of plants, and it's really cool to hear her name them all.

We also go over to my grandma's house for Christmas dinner each year. Like I said earlier, my grandma is a fabulous cook, and always has a humungous feast prepared for us. Everything she makes is always totally delicious!

My grandma is truly an amazing person! She is my hero! I love her, and I love to spend time with her whenever I get the chance. I hope that when I grow old and have grandchildren I will be a grandmother just like her!